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Credits: Yves Budinger
Credits: Yves Budinger
Credits: Yves Budinger
Credits: Yves Budinger, Luxemburg
In juli 2003 Volvo lets know that the new S60R and V70R are available at the dealerships now. Two superfast cars with sufficient comfort. Two...
During the Autosalon in Paris 2002, where Volvo introduced the productversions of the PCC and PCC2, the PR department issued a set of informationsheets. This...
Finaly, the productionversion of the PCC and PCC2 concepts are ready for the market. In this pressinformation, from July 2002, Volvo announces the lauch of...
A year after the launch of the PCC in Paris, Volvo introduced a new concept based on the V70 in the second half of september...
Volvo Netherlands issued this press information in september 2000. It's an announcement that Volvo will present the S60 concept car, called Performance Concept Car (PCC),...